Using matrix stability for variable telegraph partial differential equation




Time-space telegraph differential equations, matrix stability, first and second order difference schemes, approximation solution.


The variable telegraph partial differential equation depend on initial boundary value problem has been studied. The coefficient constant time-space telegraph partial differential equation is obtained from the variable telegraph partial differential equation throughout using Cauchy-Euler formula. The first and second order difference schemes were constructed for both of coefficient constant time-space and variable time-space telegraph partial differential equation. Matrix stability method is used to prove stability of difference schemes for the variable and coefficient telegraph partial differential equation. The variable telegraph partial differential equation and the constant coefficient time-space telegraph partial differential equation are compared with the exact solution. Finally, approximation solution  has been found for both equations. The error analysis table presents the obtained numerical results.


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Author Biographies

Mahmut Modanli, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harran University, Sanlıurfa, 63010, Turkey

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Harran University,  Sanlıurfa, 63010, Turkey

Bawar Mohammed Faraj, Computer Science Department, College of Science, University of Halabja, 46018, Halabja, Iraq

Computer science department, College of Science, University of Halabja,46018,Halabja, Iraq

Faraedoon Waly Ahmed, Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Halabja, 46018, Halabja, Iraq

Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Halabja,46018,Halabja, Iraq


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DOI: 10.11121/ijocta.01.2020.00870
Published: 2020-07-01

How to Cite

Modanli, M., Faraj, B. M., & Ahmed, F. W. (2020). Using matrix stability for variable telegraph partial differential equation. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 10(2), 237–243.



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