Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) model for three type imperfect items with rework and learning in setup


  • Arindum Mukhopadhyay Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721 302, INDIA
  • Adrijit Goswami Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur .



inventory, EPQ, imperfect quality, learning, setup


Imperfect quality Items are unavoidable in an Inventory system due to imperfect productionprocess, natural disasters, damages, or many other reasons. The setup cost and production cycletime can be related in terms of process deterioration and learning and forgetting effects. Learningreduces production run length and setup cost, whereas deterioration and forgetting increases both.Keeping these facts in mind, this paper investigates an Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) modelwith imperfect quality items with varying set-up costs. Mathematical model and solution proceduresare developed with major insight to its charecteristics. Numerical example and sensitivity analysisare provided to illustrate and analyze the model performance. It is observed that our model has asignificant impacts on the optimal lot size and optimal profit of the model.

Classication: 90B05


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Author Biographies

Arindum Mukhopadhyay, Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur-721 302, INDIA

ArindumMukhopadhyay received his M.Sc. from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpu(India) inMathematics in 2009. Presently he is a researchscholar in Department of Mathematics at IndianInstitute of Technology Kharagpur. His research area includes Inventory Control, Supply Chain Management, Optimization and Uncertain programming. He has publications in national andinternational journals as well various international conference proceedings.

Adrijit Goswami, Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur .

A. Goswami is a Professor of Mathematics at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur,India. He received his MSc and PhD from Jadavpur University, India in 1985 and 1992, respectively.His research interests focus on fuzzy inventory control/optimisation, fuzzy database systems, distributeddatabases, object oriented databases and data-mining techniques. He has published articles in Journalof the Operational Research Society, European Journal of Operational Research, International Jour-nal of Production Economics, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Production Planningand Control, Opsearch, International Journal of Systems Science, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics,Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, Expert Systems, International Journal of Uncer-tainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Computing, In-ternational Journal of Computers & Applications, International Journal of Data Analysis Techniquesand Strategies, etc.


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DOI: 10.11121/ijocta.01.2014.00170
Published: 2013-11-21

How to Cite

Mukhopadhyay, A., & Goswami, A. (2013). Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) model for three type imperfect items with rework and learning in setup. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 4(1), 57–65.



Optimization & Applications