Optimizing Human Diet Problem Based on Price and Taste Using Multi-Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming Approach


  • Hossein EGHBALI Department of Mathematics Ferdowsi University- Iran
  • Mohammad Ali EGHBALI Department of Industrial Engineering- Birjand University Of Technology-Iran




Optimizing human diet, Multi-objective fuzzy linear programming, Triangular fuzzy number.


Low price and good taste of foods are regarded as two major factors for optimal human nutrition. Due to price fluctuations and taste diversity, these two factors cannot be certainly and determinately evaluated. This problem must be viewed from another perspective because of the uncertainty about the amount of nutrients per unit of foods and also diversity of people’s daily needs to receive them.This paper discusses human diet problem in fuzzy environment. The approach deals with multi-objective fuzzy linear programming problem using a fuzzy programming technique for its solution. By prescribing a diet merely based on crisp data, some ofthe realities are neglected. For the same reason, we dealt with human diet problem through fuzzy approach. Results indicated uncertainty about factors of nutrition diet -including taste and price, amount of nutrients and their intake- would affect diet quality, making the proposed diet more realistic.


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Author Biographies

Hossein EGHBALI, Department of Mathematics Ferdowsi University- Iran

MSc. applied mathematics. Department of Mathematics Ferdowsi University- Iran

Mohammad Ali EGHBALI, Department of Industrial Engineering- Birjand University Of Technology-Iran

MSc. Department of Industrial Engineering- Birjand University Of Technology-Iran


prof.applied mathematics, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, Iran


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DOI: 10.11121/ijocta.01.2012.0095
Published: 2012-05-28

How to Cite

EGHBALI, H., EGHBALI, M. A., & VAHIDIAN KAMYAD, A. (2012). Optimizing Human Diet Problem Based on Price and Taste Using Multi-Objective Fuzzy Linear Programming Approach. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 2(2), 139–151. https://doi.org/10.11121/ijocta.01.2012.0095



Optimization & Applications