Performance evaluation for distributionally robust optimization with uncertain binary entries




Distributionally Robust Optimization, Robust Optimization, Stochastic Programming, Convex Optimization


We consider the data-driven stochastic programming problem with binary entries where the probability of existence of each entry is not known, instead realization of data is provided. We applied the distributionally robust optimization technique to minimize the worst-case expected cost taken over the ambiguity set based on the Kullback-Leibler divergence. We investigate the out-of-sample performance of the resulting optimal decision and analyze its dependence on the sparsity of the problem.


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Author Biographies

Shunichi Ohmori, Waseda University

Shunichi Ohmori (PhD) is an associate professor at department of industrial and system engineering, Waseda
University in Japan, and a researcher at institute of globalproduction and logistics at Waseda University, and a
researcher at data science institute at Waseda University. He received the master and Ph.D degree in engineering at
Waseda University. His research interest lies in operations research and supply chain management.

Kazuho Yoshimoto, Waseda University

Kazuho Yoshimoto (Dr. Engg.) is a professor at department
of industrial and system engineering at Waseda University in
Japan, and a head of Institute of Global Production and
Logistics at Waseda University. He received the master and
Ph.D degree in engineering at Waseda University. His
research interest lies in facility and logistics design.


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DOI: 10.11121/ijocta.01.2021.00911
Published: 2020-09-09

How to Cite

Ohmori, S., & Yoshimoto, K. (2020). Performance evaluation for distributionally robust optimization with uncertain binary entries. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 11(1), 1–9.



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