Optimization of medical waste routing problem: The case of TRB1 region in Turkey





Medical waste, GIS, routing, case study


A fundamental problem concerning medical waste disposal is the evaluation of the real and potential risks arising from waste with the focus on the risk of infection. Therefore, the optimization of medical waste routing from collection to disposal center can minimize the risk of infection. The routing of medical waste considers significant to determine potential routes and select the route with minimum distance. The management of the medical waste is important decision for environmental sustainability and includes the collection, transportation and disposal of these materials. In this paper, a geographic information system (GIS) solution approach is proposed to determine the best location of disposal center. Proposed approach is applied to medical waste transportation between 167 health institutions (collection centers) and predetermined 5 disposal centers through TRB1 region in Turkey, which consist of Malatya, Elaz??, Bingöl and Tunceli provinces. The results of case study are examined and suggestions for future research are provided.


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DOI: 10.11121/ijocta.01.2019.00714
Published: 2019-04-29

How to Cite

Mete, S., & Serin, F. (2019). Optimization of medical waste routing problem: The case of TRB1 region in Turkey. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 9(2), 197–207. https://doi.org/10.11121/ijocta.01.2019.00714



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