An Inverse recursive algorithm to retrieve the shape of the inaccessible dielectric objects
Inverse Electromagnetic Scattering, Electromagnetic Imaging, Shape Reconstruction, Surface Integral Equations, Newton's AlgorithmAbstract
A regularized electromagnetic iterative inverse algorithm is formulated and implemented to reconstruct the shape of 2D dielectric objects using the far-field pattern of the scattered field data. To achieve this, an integral operator that maps the unknown boundary of the object onto the far-field pattern of the scattered field is defined and solved for the unknown boundary. The addressed inverse problem has an ill-posed nature and inherits nonlinearity. To overcome these, the proposed solution is linearized via Newton and regularized by Tikhonov in the sense of least squares. Besides, the dominance of the shadow region in the inverse-imaging process is exceeded by considering the superposition of multi-incoming plane waves, leading to less computational cost and a very fast inversion process. Comprehensive numerical analyses are carried out to ascertain the algorithm's feasibility, revealing that it is very efficient and promising.
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