IJOCTA is Indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) – as of 2020


We are pleased to announce that our journal, An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), has been accepted to be indexed in Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science Core Collection™ Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) starting from the first issue of 2020.

Articles published in IJOCTA and indexed in ESCI can be viewed via this link.

Detailed information regarding the selection criteria to this index can be accessed at:  https://clarivate.com/webofsciencegroup/solutions/webofscience-esci/

IJOCTA will now be reviewed regularly for the inclusion into Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE).

We thank all the authors, reviewers​, editorial board members and area editors for all their hard work and continuing support.