Model predictive control-based scheduler for repetitive discrete event systems with capacity constraints


  • Hiroyuki Goto Hosei University



Model predictive control, max-plus algebra, capacity constraint, adjustable parameter, internal representation


A model predictive control-based scheduler for a class of discrete event systems is designed and developed. We focus on repetitive, multiple-input, multiple-output, and directed acyclic graph structured systems on which capacity constraints can be imposed. The target system’s behaviour is described by linear equations in max-plus algebra, referred to as state-space representation. Assuming that the system’s performance can be improved by paying additional cost, we adjust the system parameters and determine control inputs for which the reference output signals can be observed. The main contribution of this research is twofold, 1: For systems with capacity constraints, we derived an output prediction equation as functions of adjustable variables in a recursive form, 2: Regarding the construct for the system’s representation, we improved the structure to accomplish general operations which are essential for adjusting the system parameters. The result of numerical simulation in a later section demonstrates the effectiveness of the developed controller.


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Author Biography

Hiroyuki Goto, Hosei University

Associate professor, Department of Industrial and system engineering


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DOI: 10.11121/ijocta.01.2013.00140
Published: 2013-05-29

How to Cite

Goto, H. (2013). Model predictive control-based scheduler for repetitive discrete event systems with capacity constraints. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 3(2), 73–83.



Optimization & Applications