Gain scheduling linear model of an electro-hydraulic actuator


  • Cem Onat Mechanical Engineering,Inonu University
  • Mahmut Daskin Mechanical Engineering,Inonu University
  • Abdullah Turan Mechanical Engineering,Inonu University



In different industrial processes in which position and force control are desired, electro-hydraulic systems have a widespread area of utilization. Models of electro-hydraulic systems include high order nonlinearity. In this study, a gain scheduling linear model corresponded with nonlinear model of a hydraulic force actuator system is developed. The proposed model is constituted in two distinct and consecutive stages. In the first step, nonlinear terms caused to nonlinearity are described by the means of measurable or observable system parameters and embedded in a nonlinear scheduling parameter. Thus, the scheduling parameter is continuously extracted from main system. In the second step, the nonlinear system equation is rearranged by the scheduling parameter and by this way parameter varying linear model is obtained. The simulations which are performed by use of Matlab-Simulink computer program show that the proposed model rightly fits to the nonlinear system model.


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DOI: 10.11121/ijocta.01.2017.00487
Published: 2017-12-19

How to Cite

Onat, C., Daskin, M., & Turan, A. (2017). Gain scheduling linear model of an electro-hydraulic actuator. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 7(3), 301–306.



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