Mond-Weir type second order multiobjective mixed symmetric duality with square root term under generalized univex function





second order (Φ, ρ)-univex, mixed symmetric duality, efficient solution, square root term, Schwartz inequality.


In this paper, a new class of second order (Φ,ρ)-univex and second order (Φ,ρ)-pseudo univex function are introduced with example. A pair Mond-Weir type second order mixed symmetric duality for multiobjective nondifferentiable programming is formulated and the duality results are established under the mild assumption of second order (∅,ρ) univexity and second order pseudo univexity. Special cases are discussed to show that this study extends some of the known results in related domain..


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Associate Professor


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DOI: 10.11121/ijocta.01.2014.00175
Published: 2013-12-04

How to Cite

Tripathy, A. K. (2013). Mond-Weir type second order multiobjective mixed symmetric duality with square root term under generalized univex function. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 4(1), 21–33.



Applied Mathematics & Control