A simple method for studying asymptotic stability of discrete dynamical systems and its applications





Discrete dynamical systems, Lyapunov's indirect method, Asymptotic stability, Non-hyperbolic equilibrium point, Nonstandard finite difference methods


In this work, we introduce a simple method for investigating the asymptotic stability of discrete dynamical systems, which can be considered as an extension of the classical Lyapunov's indirect method. This method is constructed based on the classical Lyapunov's indirect method and the idea proposed by Ghaffari and Lasemi in a recent work. The new method can be applicable even when equilibia of dynamical systems are non-hyperbolic. Hence, in many cases, the classical Lyapunov's indirect method fails but the new one can be used simply. In addition, by combining the new stability method with the Mickens' methodology, we formulate some nonstandard finite difference (NSFD) methods which are able to preserve the asymptotic stability of some classes of differential equation models even when they have non-hyperbolic equilibrium points. As an important consequence, some well-known results on stability-preserving NSFD schemes for autonomous dynamical systems are improved and extended. Finally, a set of numerical examples are performed to illustrate and support the theoretical findings.


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Author Biographies

Manh Tuan Hoang, Department of Mathematics, FPT University, Hoa Lac Hi-Tech Park, Km29 Thang Long Blvd, Hanoi, Viet Nam

received the Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) in 2021, the M.S in Applied Mathematics in 2015 and the B.S degree in Mathematics in 2012 from VNU University of Science. Currently, he is a lecturer-researcher at the Department of Mathematics, FPT University. His research interests are the qualitative theory and numerical analysis of differential equations and mathematical methods in information technology.


Thi Kim Quy Ngo, Department of Scientific Fundamentals, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT), Hanoi, Vietnam

received the Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from Graduate University of Science and Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) in 2017. Currently, she is a lecturer at the Department of Scientific Fundamentals, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT). Her research interests are the qualitative theory and numerical simulation of high-order differential equations with applications.


Ha Hai Truong, Department of Basic Sciences, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology, Thai Nguyen, Vietnam

received the Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) in 2013. Currently, she is a lecturer at the Department of Basic Sciences, Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology. Her research interests are numerical methods for high-order differential equations and their applications



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DOI: 10.11121/ijocta.2023.1243
Published: 2023-01-23

How to Cite

Hoang, M. T. ., Ngo, T. K. Q., & Truong, . H. H. . (2023). A simple method for studying asymptotic stability of discrete dynamical systems and its applications. An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories & Applications (IJOCTA), 13(1), 10–25. https://doi.org/10.11121/ijocta.2023.1243



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