Differential gradient evolution plus algorithm for constraint optimization problems: A hybrid approach
Meta-heuristic algorithms , Hybridization , Differential evolution , Gradient evolution , Constraint optimization problemsAbstract
Optimization for all disciplines is very important and applicable. Optimization has played a key role in practical engineering problems. A novel hybrid meta-heuristic optimization algorithm that is based on Differential Evolution (DE), Gradient Evolution (GE) and Jumping Technique named Differential Gradient Evolution Plus (DGE+) are presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm hybridizes the above-mentioned algorithms with the help of an improvised dynamic probability distribution, additionally provides a new shake off method to avoid premature convergence towards local minima. To evaluate the efficiency, robustness, and reliability of DGE+ it has been applied on seven benchmark constraint problems, the results of comparison revealed that the proposed algorithm can provide very compact, competitive and promising performance.
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