The eel was deliberately raised in the media is unusual: water only, not a mixture of mud, straw, and compost. The researcher, Ir Ign Hardaningsih MSi, wanted to examine the growth of eel that was kept in the water media. He spread 30 Monopterus albus in the aquarium. Water comes from a well neutral pH, 7. In order to avoid stress when transferred to the water media, Eel is adapted first.
Hardaningsih did the eel for 2 weeks. "After being restored, newly given feed in the form of keep fish and other small fish," he said. Earthworms can actually be given, but the price is relatively expensive. The lumbricus reaches Rp 25.000/kg. In addition to the feed, the chairman of the Fishery Hatchery and Fisheries Department, the agricultural Faculty of Gadjah Mada University changed the water once a month.
The laboratory room temperature is set at the range of 26 — 28°. "Somewhat warm temperatures because ordinary eel lives in a rice field full of decomposed organic matter," he said. The decomposition makes the media temperature rise. Well, after 4 months of being kept in the aquarium, the eel grew to the size of the adult's thumb and no one died. 3According to Ade Sunarma MSi, researcher at the Great Hall of Freshwater Aquaculture Development (BBPBAT), Sukabumi, West Java, Eel potentially developed in the water media. "With water media, the mortality rate and the growth of eel is easy to check," said Ade.
In conventional cultivation, farmers must disassemble the media to check. The water Media also reduces the negative impacts of barism. "In the medium of sludge eel adopted the territory the mastery of the region" said Hardaningsih. If there are other eel in the territory, the owner of the territory does not hesitate to kill the intruders who come to the hole.
- Yudianto (2020). Budidaya Dan Cara Beternak Belut Dalam Bak Kolam. [ONLINE] Available at: . [Last Accessed 16 june 2020].